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Top 10 Things To Do Inside This Weekend

So we are all meant to be self-isolating where possible which can be hard if you feel the pinch of boredom.

So, organise your weekend with this handy hit list of things to do indoors.

HOT TIP: Many of the local restaurants and cafes have developed systems to minimise contact so order some tasty takeout and keep our businesses alive!

1. Movie Marathon

Check out some new movies – there’s plenty of awesome new ones out there or something you haven’t seen for YEARS!

Or, if you want to really settle in on the couch then how about binge an entire series of movies or TV shows.

Our picks?

  1. New movie - Parasite

  2. Classic - Pulp Fiction

  3. Movie series - Harry Potter

  4. TV Show - Good Omens

2. Arts and Crafts

Turn back the clock to your childhood and get the arts and crafts kit out of the cupboard.

There are some awesome tutorials you can find online to help you out along the way! Here is just one example.

3. Charades

The classic game you can play with you and the kids, or even just your mates.

Try and guess what niche film, or story, or famous person, they are trying to impersonate in 60 seconds. You can get inspiration from YouTube.

Kick it up a notch playing the Name Game which has three rounds, each harder and more hilarious than the last. Find the rules here.

4. Indoor Picnic

Lay your blankets over the living room floor, get some awesome food together, some snacks and some drinks and have a picnic inside.

Add fairy lights and switch the lights off to really set the mood!

5. How Well Do You Know Someone Quiz

There’s nothing wrong then just sitting, chilling and find out about someone! Even if it’s someone you have known for ages because you never know what gems they might have that they never told you. Find out by asking these questions here.

Or if the quiz is too much pressure, why not play 20 questions. Start with this list here.

6. Board Games or Card Games

From Battleships, Monopoly, Twister to card games like Blackjack to Poker - get the family together for some tabletop socialising.

Whether it’s a new game you’ve never played before or a classic, it’s always great fun!

7. Bake Off

Find your old cookbooks, flick to a random page, and make it! You never know what enjoyable item you may cook up that you wouldn’t have thought to make again. Get the kids in the kitchen to help out as well and learn some valuable life skills!

Dig out the old Women's Day Cookbook and get started.

8. Grow some plants

Get out into the garden and grow some plants or some veggies!

While you may need to wait a few months before you can reap what you sow – it’s still a feeling of satisfaction of getting into the dirt and planting something. Plus, a bit of fresh air never hurt anybody.

9. Read a Book

There are likely tons of books at home that you haven’t gotten around to reading yet… or maybe something you haven’t read in ages.

Get it out, dust it off, get a cup of coffee or tea and unwind! If you don’t have many books, the Tamworth Library can organise a delivery service – it’s an affordable way to be a part of it. And even better, get the kids into reading or read to them.

If sitting down reading does not appeal to you, how about listening to an audiobook (tip: get into a novel while baking, gardening or even exercising).

10. Learn a new skill

Why not learn a brand new skill while stuck inside? Be it knitting, sewing, calligraphy, a musical instrument or whatever! There's plenty of stuff on YouTube you can learn.

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