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2TM Regional News


By now you may have heard that next month I will be drawing to a close 20 years in public life, including the last 11 as your State MP. I will step down as the Member for Northern Tablelands on Monday, 13 May 2024.


This is not a decision I have made lightly, indeed it has been one of the most difficult I have had to make but it is one I’m very comfortable with. Put simply, it’s time to move on and take up new challenges.


When I became your local State MP in 2013 I believed that our region was best served by those prepared to get in, give it everything they have, and then pass the baton on to the next person possessed with fresh hands, new ideas and youthful vigour. Hopefully I have done this.


I have thoroughly enjoyed my years in public life serving the communities of Gunnedah Shire and now the people of the Northern Tablelands, as a Councillor, Mayor, State MP and a Minister. During this time, your support has been overwhelming and heart-warming. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve rural communities and country people and I thank you sincerely for that opportunity.


We have achieved incredible things together and I cherish the friendships I have made and the interaction I have had with people during my time in the role. Together, we’ve seen many changes, faced numerous challenges, and helped our region grow and develop into one of the most progressive, vibrant and beautiful in all of rural NSW.


Post politics, I intend pursuing opportunities in my personal life and striking out on a new professional career away from public life.


The role of an MP is a demanding one, and when done properly, is all consuming. Inevitably, that takes its toll. I’ve given my all to the exclusion of most other things in my life, and despite absolutely loving our region and my role as a local MP, I cannot put this move off any longer. This will be end of representative politics for me.


I hope that you will accept my decision, understand why I have made it, and continue to do your bit to support our region and the next Member for Northern Tablelands.


Over the next few weeks I will continue to work as hard as I can for the many communities across our region and I look forward to catching up and sharing some time with as many of you as possible.


Finally, thank you for the wonderful support I have experienced from so many of you across the past 11 years. My time as your MP has been an absolute privilege and an experience I will treasure always.


Take care, Adam.

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