The region's health district confirms more cases of coronavirus, but there are no warning alerts in Tamworth.
David Durrheim, the public health physician for Hunter New England Local Health District, said it is now providing care and support to three additional people confirmed to have COVID-19.
These previously announced cases include:
A male in his 20s doing well in home isolation,
A male in his 60s doing well in home isolation, and
A female in her 60s who is well but has been admitted to hospital as a precaution.
Hunter New England Health has been in touch with close contacts of the three new cases, who have also been asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
They will be checked on every day by the public health unit to check that they are well and any contact who develops COVID-19 symptoms will be tested for the infection.
The male in his 20s works in tourism and was likely exposed through interaction with an
international tour groups.
As a precaution, anyone who visited Oakvale Winery between March 4 and 14 should be alert for fever or respiratory symptoms.
If they develop any of these symptoms, they should contact their GP or present to an Emergency Department. There is no ongoing risk for visitors to Oakvale Wines.
The female in her 60s confirmed today has not travelled internationally and the source of her
infection is still being investigated. While she remains in a stable condition, she has been
admitted to John Hunter Hospital for monitoring.
Dr Durrheim said he wants to assure the public that is still safe to visit the hospital.
"All the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of infection while the patient is in our care," he said.
"We ask everyone in Hunter New England to play a part in containing the spread of COVID-
19 by washing your hands often, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home if you’re
unwell. Visit the NSW Health website for more advice."