With the Tamworth Country Music Festival just one day away, council has one particular message in mine.
Bruce Logan said they are implementing a raft of strategies to get the message across to visitors that water needs to be conserved.
"Everyone who buys a campsite down there gets a package, and in that package is details of the restrictions and what they can and can't do, and how they will be policed," he said.
"We are stepping up the policing of the use of water in our camping fields. People will see the rangers a lot more."
Mr Logan said campers in the past have been able to screw a hose onto the council-owned taps, but the fittings have been removed, so people have to fill up their buckets to take back to their site.
He added that even though some campers have been here for a fortnight already, there is not a noticeable spike in water use.
"On average, [there is a ] five-megalitre increase over the 10 days of the festival," he said.
"If you consider that we are using around 20 megalitres each day, five megalitres over 10 days is an insignificant increase.
"There is a group of people in my view who for whatever reason are not keen on the country music festival, and they like to use the water supply as one of the reasons ... people think the revellers use a lot more water than they actually do."
The measures implemented by council include:
provided accommodation providers with additional shower hangers, table cards and shower timers;
placed signage across council operated campgrounds identifying what water can be used for and the fines applicable for those not abiding by the restrictions in force,
installed water awareness stickers in all showers, toilets and mirrors within the amenity blocks across the council operated campgrounds;
10,000 coffee cups that will act as walking billboards promoting water conservation during TCMF are being delivered to local cafes on Thursday;
messaging will be displayed on the TCMF big screens in Peel Street and Toyota Park for the duration of the event;
water conservation pop-up stalls will be operating every day of the festival to promote water conservation during over the 10 days; and
visitors and locals alike will be invited to play the TCMF Water Wise Bingo game over the first seven days of TCMF. The game requires players to collect a bingo board, which features 10 different water-saving tips, from the water conservation pop-up stall. Find tips on display at local Festival Friendly Businesses, get 6 of the 10 tips stamped and return the bingo card to Festival HQ. They will go into the draw to win a double pass to the Golden Guitar Awards, a double pass to the Coca Cola Country Club on Sunday 26 January and a double pass to South & West Tamworth Memorial Pool.
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