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2TM Regional News

Fire warning for Tamworth District

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) is warning residents of an increased risk of grass fires across the Tamworth District & surrounding areas as temperatures rise across the state.

NSW RFS Inspector Waters said the current hot and dry weather in the Tamworth and surrounding areas area is curing grasslands increasing the fire risk.

“In the last week firefighters have responded to almost 250 grass fires across the state, and over 60 grass fires within the Tamworth & surrounding areas,” Inspector Waters said.

“Grass fires can start easily, spread quickly, threatening lives, property, crops and stock.

“With further hot and dry conditions forecast throughout the week, there is the potential that permits are suspended and Total Fire Bans and Harvest Safety Alerts declared.

“I urge landholders to be aware of the increased threat and the risks associated with using machinery and harvesting outdoors during these conditions.

“Every landholder should be prepared for fire and have firefighting equipment on hand that is in good working order.

“Residents and those visiting the area need to ensure they have an up-to-date bush fire survival plan and know what they and their family will do if a fire threatens,” Inspector Waters said.

The NSW RFS provides the following advice about protecting properties from grass fires:

› Put fire breaks in place around assets and standing crops as well as boundary fences.

› Check your farm equipment is in good order and is ready to deal with a fire.

› Be aware that slasher and mower blades can spark if they strike rocks or metal, causing dry grass

to ignite.

› Check the fire danger for your area – and know the risk

› Stay up to date on fires in your area – check the NSW RFS website or the Fires Near Me NSW app for fires and set Watch Zones within the app to be alerted for fires in your area.

For more information and resources, visit


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