Chaffey Dam’s capacity is expected to reach 20% in the coming days, triggering the final level of water restrictions for Tamworth, Kootingal and Moonbi Residents.
What Level 5 restrictions mean:
All residential outdoor use of treated / town / Council water is now banned.
Council will continue to cease irrigation of public parks, gardens, roundabouts and sporting facilities with treated water, but bore / groundwater can continue to be used where available.
Recycled, greywater and rainwater can be used. Rainwater tanks can only be approved by Council and a sign issued if they are stand-alone and not able to be switched to the treated supply. Tanks should not be used without Council approval.
Trickle feed tanks that are connected to the town water supply for refilling cannot be used for outdoor watering.
There is no irrigation of outdoor industrial and commercial green spaces.
Cleaning of vehicle windows, windscreens, number plates and mirrors can be done for safety and regulatory purposes with buckets only.
Pools cannot be filled or topped up, unless water for this purpose is sourced from a centre not on level 4 or 5 water restrictions.
Evaporative air conditioners can be used, but as efficiently and moderately as possible.
The target daily consumption for Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal is 16.1ML.
To help achieve the daily consumption target Council will be launching a new community education campaign called ‘Let’s Work Together’ which will be focused on encouraging residents reduce consumption to achieve a 150L/per person/per day target.
The campaign will utilise a variety of mediums to educate residents on how they can achieve this target, e.g. a 2 minute shower uses 40L water, and 1 dishwasher load uses 15L.
“Let’s Work Together” will also include an extensive primary school education program aimed at year 3 to 6 children in Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal.
The program will include school visits by Tamworth Regional Council Water and Sustainability staff who will educate the students on how to complete a Home Water Efficiency Audit.
As part of the audit students will learn how to:
read their water meter at home
identify leaks and other water wasters in their home
reduce water consumption in their home
The program will include a 3 week competition where children are required to submit their homes weekly water consumption during the first week (by reading their water meter), make water consumption changes during the second week and resubmit their homes weekly water consumption during the third week.
The class which demonstrates the highest reduction percentage in water consumption between the first and third week in Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal will be crowned the champions. Programs are in development for infants and high school students.
Under Level 5 restrictions the Tamworth Region Water Supply Taskforce will continue to meet and work with businesses to help reduce their consumption.