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2TM Regional News

Michael McCormack wins leadership spill

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

Michael McCormack has won the leadership spill, retaining his position as leader of the National Party, despite Barnaby Joyce gunning for the role.

According to media reports, the numbers will not be released.

David Littleproud has also been announced as the deputy leader of the party.

Tuesday at 11.50am

Mr Joyce has released a statement following this morning's meeting.

"I would like to congratulate Michael McCormack in winning the leadership ballot and by so doing re-endorsement of his position as Leader of the Nationals Party," he said.

It is appropriate that if an issue needs resolving as to contentions held, there is a procedure to resolve it as is noted in our Parliamentary system.

That process has been followed and the issue is finalised. This was made as brief as possible prior to the first sitting of Parliament for the year."

Mr Joyce said he supports the vote of the room and will strive for the re-election of a Morrison-McCormack Government.

"Now my first attentions go back to where they were before this week, the New England, drought, fires and now the threat of Coronavirus," he concluded.

Tuesday at 9.46am

Mr McCormack spoke after the partytoom meeting, and said regional Australians will be the focus from now on.

"I shook hands with Barnaby, and we are going to move on," he said.

"National Party votes are never revealed ... that has always been the convention of the party."

Mr Joyce announced his intention to vie for the top spot on Monday after two years in the political wilderness.

In 2018, a personal scandal forced the member for New England to resign as deputy prime minister and leader of the National Party after it was revealed Mr Joyce had an affair with staffer Vikki Campion.

His announcement paved the way for Riverina MP Michael McCormack to step up into the position.

A partyroom meeting was held this morning in Canberra to fill the position of deputy leader of The Nationals and the agriculture portfolio after Bridget McKenzie stood down.

She resigned after "sports rorts" scandal that rocked the federal government after she failed to disclose membership to a gun club that received almost $36,000 from a funding initiative Ms McKenzie was in charge of.

Before the meeting, Darren Chester, the Veterans Affairs Minister, said he was embarrassed and frustrated that Mr McCormack's position would be questioned whereas Queensland senator Matt Canavan resigned his position to back Mr Joyce in the leadership ballot.



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