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2TM Regional News

Here to stay: Business campaign kicks off

Jye Segborg and Chris Watson at the campaign launch.

A new campaign kicking off to support local businesses has a straightforward message. They are here to stay. Jye Segborg, president of the Tamworth Business Chamber, said it's all about making sure the community support any shops still open, and be there when businesses in hibernation reopen at the end of COVID-19. "We have launched in partnership with Tamworth Business chamber and JobLink plus a new campaign to promote the strength and resilience of the business community in the region," he said. "Our concept is to make sure residents are aware that we will come out the other side of this pandemic and to avoid the misconception that businesses will not open again." Mr Segborg said it's a free campaign for business owners across the local government area. He added they would be given a library of assets to use on their social media and websites as well as printed collateral. "We want the community to embrace those businesses that have probably been struggling," Mr Segborg said. "A lot of the businesses have gone into the hibernation mode, and there is a misconception they won't open again. "Businesses are telling us that customers are saying 'are you opening again' so we want this campaign to drive home the message that we are here to stay."

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