Drones will join the Quad Bike Safety Improvement Program as part of an extra $2.8 million dollars in farm safety funding announced from the State Government yesterday.
NSW Farmers raised the concept of including the purchase of new drones in the program last year after hosting a series of drone training sessions for farmers, which identified the safety benefits of this flying farm management tool.
Farmers can apply for the existing quad bike rebates, which include the new $500 drone rebate from end of this month, on the NSW Farmers' website.
NSW Farmers' President James Jackson says the new technology has potential to reduce the amount of time farmers spend on bikes.
“While it is not a common farm tool as yet, farmers who have experienced using a drone at our training sessions are quickly drawn to it." said Mr Jackson.
"I can see significant potential for drones to replace other tools and vehicles on farm for certain tasks such as checking on fences, dams and stock, silo inspections, weed control and sheep mustering.”
Mr Jackson hopes the addition of drone to the Quad Bike Safety Improvement Program can add to the success it’s achieved in reducing bike related injuries and fatalities.
“This highly successful program is progressively changing attitudes and behaviours towards quad bike use, generating significant safety investment on farm and gradually driving down quad bike related injury and fatality rates,” Mr Jackson said.
NSW Farmers is administering the quad bike safety rebates program on behalf of SafeWork NSW. For more information visit www.nswfarmers.org.au, www.safework.nsw.gov.au or call 13 10 50.