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2TM Regional News

Construction soon to start for Mystery Road upgrade

Liverpool Plains Shire Council will contribute the remaining funding in order to complete the update on Mystery Road.

In 2019, State MP Kevin Anderson announced that the State Government would provide $2.25 million of the $3 million required to upgrade and bitumen seal 8.1 kilometres of Mystery Road between Caroona and Breeza - 2.7 kilometres of this road is in the Liverpool Plains Shire.

At its March Ordinary Meeting, Liverpool Plains Shire Council received a report detailing the progress to date on this project which is being undertaken jointly with Gunnedah Shire Council.

To allow this project to be delivered in a timely manner, GSC will undertake the role of lead project manager for the work.

A funding agreement has been now been executed between GSC and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

The co-contribution required by the Funding Deed from LPSC is $250,000. This will be sourced by allocating funds as part of the 2020/21 operational plan.

This collaborative approach involves LPSC staff participating in key decisions in relation to the design standards, environmental controls and construction quality assurance in order to provide an acceptable asset for LPSC ratepayers.

Progress to date has seen survey, investigation, and design underway, as well as an assessment of the Review of Environmental Factors plus the commencement of pavement design.

At this stage, it is anticipated the construction will commence before the end of this financial year for completion around the middle of the 2020/21 financial year.

In conjunction with the Williewarina Road project Council undertook 18 months ago, it will provide a sealed link throughout between Pine Ridge, Caroona and the Kamilaroi Highway at Breeza.

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