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2TM Regional News

Chaffey Dam almost cracks 30% capacity after weekend of rainfall

Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal residents are hoping for more rain as Chaffey Dam almost reaches 30% capacity, which is the trigger for moving to Level 3 water restrictions.

Weekend storms brought heavy rainfall across the region and the water levels in Chaffey Dam rose sharply.

Water NSW realtime graph of Chaffey Dam capacity levels at 4:00 am 26/10/20

Dam storage levels have been hovering around 26% capacity for several weeks and began to rise on Thursday before shooting up on Saturday and Sunday and reaching 29.76 at 5:00 am on Monday 26th October.

Data collected by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology shows the majority of rain fell across Eastern NSW throughout the week ending 25/10/20.

In fact during this week the station at Mount Lindsay, Barraba recorded the most rainfall in Australia, with a recording of 147.2 mm.

With more rain forecast over the coming week, local residents are hopeful restrictions will ease if inflows bump Chaffey Dam over 30% capacity.

If Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal moved to Level 3 Water restrictions that would mean limited outdoor water use and the possibility the Olympic pool could be filled just in time for summer.


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