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2TM Regional News

Water restrictions lower to Level 1 for Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal

Water restrictions will lower to Level 1 from Monday 4th January for residents and business in Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal.

Recent heavy rainfall lifted Chaffey Dam to over 41% capacity triggering Council to consider easing the restrictions for the new year.

Level 1 is the lowest level of water restrictions and is focused on general awareness rather than trying to achieve significant reductions in usage according to the 2015 Drought Management Plan.

Under level one sprinklers, sprays and microjets are allowed for two hours a day between 6 pm and 8 pm, handheld hoses can be used between 6 pm and 8 am and vehicles can be washed using a high-pressure cleaner.

Unlimited use of watering cans and buckets is also allowed and pools can be filled and topped up.

Tamworth Regional Council will consider removing water restrictions when Chaffey Dam reaches 50% capacity which could be sooner rather than later given upcoming forecasts.

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting significant rainfall will continue through the first week of January with possible thunderstorms across the Northern Slopes and Tablelands.

In addition, increased flows in the Namoi River has triggered the removal of Level 1 water restrictions in Manilla, that will now remain on Permanent Water Conservation Measures.

More information about Tamworth Regional Council's water restrictions can be found here.


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