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2TM Regional News

Tamworth Visitor Information Centre to close

Dwindling visitation to the Tamworth Visitor Information Centre has prompted council to make the decision to close it until further notice. Tamworth Regional Council Director Business and Community said this morning’s activity is an indication of the dwindling visitor numbers. “By 11:10am the centre had seen only two visitors,” he said. “Yesterday, there was a total of 26 visitors, most accessing the café and public amenities.” The Strings and Beans Café will close at lunchtime today until further notice. The National Guitar Museum and the Galaxy of Stars Wax Museum were closed earlier in the week. The centre’s phones will be diverted to ensure any visitor inquiries continued to be responded to. A brochure rack at the main entrance will be checked and restocked daily. A sign on the door will direct visitors to the Destination Tamworth website and the Tamworth Region Trading Directory on the Tamworth Regional Council webpage. The centre’s email address will also be monitored. Mr Sommerlad said a majority of the Visitor Information Centre network across the state is closed and any enquiries are being managed online.


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