Known as a sporting hub, the Tamworth region is home to 117 facilities and recreation centres.
As the city's population grows Tamworth Council is looking to the future, and what needs to be done to support an ever-changing region.
TRC staff have consulted community members and sporting clubs to develop the draft Sport and Recreation Strategic Plan which is on public exhibition until June 30.
Strategic projects coordinator, Sam Eriksson, said the plan includes a detailed analysis of current facilities and how the community's changing needs across the region can be met in the 20 years ahead.
"Council is calling on the community to give feedback to help finalise the plan which will provide a road map for developing sport and recreation facilities across the region into the future," he said.
"Receiving feedback from community members and various user groups will allow council to identify what the community needs and wants.
"This will be taken into consideration before the plan is adopted next month."
Mr Eriksson said the plan includes trigger points for what the community need as the number of residents increases.
He added they have taken into consideration what different sport groups will need.
"For football, soccer, cricket and those things we need to make sure we have fields, lighting, change rooms," Mr Eriksson said.
"But, a big trend which is happening is things like unstructured recreational activity like running, walking, hiking - those kinds of things.
Council needs to ensure we have the right facilities moving forward for people to enjoy those things."
Part of the strategy included majors projects such as the embellishment of Chaffey Park, Manilla and the new aquatic centre.
Mr Eriksson said some of these projects would need to be included in future budgets and grant proposals.
He added the strategic plan cost $50,000 to put together.
"It's a chicken and egg scenario. We need a plan so we can start to put it into our budget and future forecasting," Mr Eriksson said.
A copy of the draft plan, more information and access to an online feedback form can be found here.
The following information sessions will be held during the consultation period;
June 4 from 10am to 11am on the corner of Peel and Fitzroy Streets;
June 12 from 10.30am to 11.30am outside Nundle's Friendly Grocer;
June 16 from 10am to 11am outside Kootingal IGA;
June 18 from 10am 11am outside Manilla IGA;
June 18 from 12pm to 1pm at Queen Street Mall;
June 24 from 10am to 11am out the front of Ray Walsh House, Peel Street.