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2TM Regional News

REX rules out Tamworth over security screening spat with Council

Tamworth has been ruled out as a possible new flight destination by Regional Express Airline after a disagreement over charges for security screening.

REX released a statment saying the are progressing discussions with several destinations who have been dumped by Virgin Australia but Tamworth won't be one of them.

Warrick Lodge, General Manager for Network Strategy with Rex, said their Community Fare scheme delivers substantially lower ticket prices for those communities that agree to participate.

"Cities, such as Tamworth, which insist on charging security screening charges on

carriers not legally required to be screened, will not be considered, " REX said.

John Sommerlad, Tamworth Council's Commercial Director of Airport and Aviation was not avialble for comment.

However Tamworth Regional Council said in a statment security screening will apply to all passengers through the terminal.

"Council is always interested in negoitating with any airline that share in our interest of providing this level of saftey and security at our airport," TRC said in a statment.

The price of the security screening falls on the airline which Mr Lodge said will inevitablly fall to the consumer.

“As regulations dictate that security screening is not required for Rex’s aircraft, Rex calls on all local government to avoid imposing unnecessary security levies at regional airports that will ultimately be passed on to passengers by way of increased ticket prices," Mr Lodge said.

When asked if Tamworth Regional Council has any other airlines in mind to fill the gap left by Virgin Australia, they reiterated they would be open to negotiation with any ailine who shares their interest in "providing the level of safety and security at our airport that we desire."


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