The Quirindi Silo Art project is pacing full speed ahead with the project’s committee rapidly ticking tasks off their to do list. The latest being the engineer’s report, which has determined that the silos are safe to have work done.
Secretary of the Quirindi Silo Art project Robert Lewis believes the huge amount of support from the community and local Liverpool Plains Shire Council is pushing the project along rapidly.
“We’ve got great support on our Facebook page, Quirindi Silo Art, with almost 5000 signatures already. People can go and sign the petition there, just so that when we put to government for a grant we can show the people support it”.
Funds received from a council grant as well as Whitehaven Coal, the Quirindi Business Chamber and some very giving locals are helping to get this project underway. Negotiations are currently in place between the committee and GrainCorp to allow the painting on the Station Street silos to begin.
“What we’re trying to do is beautify Quirindi even further and attract tourists to the town which in turn attracts business, which in turn attracts people and just revitalises the centre of town” Mr Lewis said.
“People are taking holidays, doing the silo art trail – recently we had people turn up at the tourist information centre asking to see the Quirindi Silo Art and we had to say look, it’s just a proposal at the moment. They said no worries we’ll still stay in town and go get some lunch”.
Using silos as a canvas for giant works of public art is an idea that has been booming around rural Australia since 2016.
“A very popular idea around the whole of Australia, with already 45 silos round Australia painted”.