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2TM Regional News

New England will see improved digital connectivity across the region

More than 80 regional communities, including Guyra and Liverpool Plains-Tamworth, will soon benefit from new and improved digital connectivity with thanks to recent investment under the Federal Coalition Government’s Regional Connectivity Program (RCP).

The $90 million program is set to deliver 81 place-based solutions to digital connectivity throughout regional Australia via a range of mobile services, including a wireless network comprising 10 greenfield 45m towers to provide high speed broadband to the Gunnedah Shire, Liverpool Plains and Tamworth Regional LGAs.

Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said he is “thrilled” that more residents and businesses in the region will enjoy the opportunities that improved digital connectivity brings.

“The Liverpool Plains and Tamworth projects will provide people in these communities with access to improved broadband services and data, delivering fast, affordable and reliable connectivity.

“This will help keep our businesses connected, our families in touch and means we can better access health, education and online services on the go.”

In Guyra, a project to upgrade the NBN access technology from Sky Muster Satellite to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) will go ahead in order to support expanding business operations, including administration, research and horticultural programs. Better connectivity along Elm Street and the New England Highway is needed to enhance operations at the Costa Group’s hydroponic tomato glasshouse facility.

Co-contributions from funding recipients, state and territory governments and other third parties such as local governments, regional businesses and community development organisations have made these projects totalling more than $180 million possible.

The program is a key component of the Government’s response to the 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review. More detail on projects will continued to be announced over the coming weeks.


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