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2TM Regional News

Level Three Water Restrictions on the Horizon

Tamworth, Kootingal and Moonbi residents can expect Council to implement level three water restrictions within a matter of weeks.

Chaffey Dam is currently sitting at 31.9% capacity and dropping at a rate at 0.1% per day.

At this rate, Director of Water and Waste Bruce Logan says level three water restrictions aren’t too far off.

“If the dam continues to fall at its present rate of .1% per day, then in 19 days it will be at 30% so within three weeks at this stage.” Logan said.

The more severe restrictions would see the usage of outside hoses be further reduced from two hours per day down to just 15 minutes.

Mr Logan says despite still being a few weeks away residents need to start planning for the stricter restrictions.

“We’d like people to recognise that within the space of two to three weeks if it doesn’t rain there will be very limited outside watering.” Logan said.

“You need to start planning for that and accepting that lawns and some of the larger gardens might have to be let go if it doesn’t rain.”

Council has issued 100 breach notices since level one water restrictions were introduced on the 14th of January.


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