The region's health district has confirmed more cases of coronavirus, with the count reaching 11, but there are no warning alerts in Tamworth.
Hunter New England Health is now providing care and support to four additional people
confirmed to have COVID-19:
A male in his 30s in home isolation after recently returning from the US
A female in her 70s is in home isolation following an assessment in hospital; she recently returned from Europe via Qatar
A male and female in their 30s are in home isolation after attending a wedding on the South Coast where a confirmed case was present.
This takes the total number of cases of COVID-19 in Hunter New England to 11.
HNE Health is getting in touch with close contacts of the four new cases, who are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days from last contact.
They will be contacted every day to check that they are well.
Hunter New England Local Health District has opened COVID-19 screening clinics at John
Hunter and Maitland hospitals. A clinic will also open at Calvary Mater Newcastle on Wednesday.
Health staff continue to undertake daily wellness checks with all confirmed cases in the
The District is asking everyone in Hunter New England to play a part in containing the spread of COVID-19 by washing your hands often, covering coughs and sneezes, maintain social distance and staying home if you’re unwell.