The NSW Environment Protection Authority is appealing for information about an apparent mass poisoning of native birds at Manilla west of Tamworth.
EPA manager of regional operations north branch Lindsay Fulloon said more than 50 Corellas were found dead or dying on the north-eastern side of Manilla in Strafford Street and round the Viaduct Bridge.
“This appears to be a large scale targeting of the birds and we are concerned that it could have been deliberate," he said. "We are getting some of the birds tested to determine the cause of death, but we are also reaching out to the public for any information they may have about this tragic incident. Anyone with information about the deaths of these birds is asked to ring the Environment Line on 131 555 or email Information provided by the public will be treated confidentially. Mr Fulloon said poisoned, dying or dead birds may pose a risk to anyone handling them and to the wildlife which may consume them. “Anyone handling the birds should wear personal protective equipment including heavy duty rubber gloves," he said.