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2TM Regional News

Duri bore water contaminated by fuel

Two properties on Railway Ave were found to have contaminated bore water

Residents in Duri should cease consumption of bore water and limit use of their bores due to a fuel contamination of the groundwater in the area.

On Sunday, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority advised Council that a HAZMAT team had identified fuel contamination of the groundwater at two Duri properties around Railway Ave.

Council is currently completing investigations to determine the source of the fuel leak and contamination.

If residents in the area detect a fuel odour in their bore water they are advised to contact Council on ‪6767 5555‬. Council has a list of registered water carters on its website for those seeking an alternative water supply.

Council’s manager of compliance Ross Briggs said staff were working to determine how many bores had been impacted.

“Council is aware that many residents in the area rely on their bore water for both internal and external uses but at this time we advise that bore water from the Duri area should not to be consumed and the use of bores should be limited to prevent further contamination,” he said.


"Council is investigating the source of that contamination.

"We have undertaken some sampling this morning (on Thursday) to try and determine if there is any other properties affected and we are going to start a survey and doorknock of the residents to notify them."

Mr Briggs said they were unsure of the type of fuel or the levels, but they should have the results from the lab by next week.

In a statement, council said people are likely to notice an unusual taste, odour or appearance of water contaminated with petrol at levels far lower than those associated with any health risk.

“Due to this, the chance of people consuming water that contains harmful levels of petrol hydrocarbons is also low,” it said.

“The short-term (acute) effects of consuming petrol hydrocarbons include nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.

"Often no symptoms occur following ingestion. Headache, dizziness or drowsiness, or irritation of the eyes, lungs and skin may occur following direct contact with high concentrations of petrol hydrocarbons.”

Council said it will continue to work with NSW EPA and NSW Health to ensure residents remain informed about the situation and understand the processes related to groundwater contamination moving forward.


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