The ladder topping Gunnedah Bulldogs will be hosting the AFL North West grand final this year on Saturday 26th September and are seeking support from the local council for the use of mobile grandstands like they received last year.
A report to Gunnedah Shire Council has recommended the Councillor's vote not to donate the grandstands but instead offer them to the Club at private work costs.
The report states that the grandstands were slightly damaged last year and are not as mobile as initially thought.
If the council votes to offer the grandstand at private work rates the cost would also include any damage that may occur during transport or use.
The council report is also concerned people will drive over the curb and park on the grass at the AFL event and is considering writing to the Bulldogs club seeking the recovery of costs to reinstate turf if it is damaged on the day.
Gunnedah Shire Councillors will vote on the decision at the Council meeting on Wednesday 16th September which is only ten days out from the event.